1. Zoo
I parked the car in front of Matei Basarab School. My first destination was Trivale area. I followed Petre Ispirescu street which climbs two successive terraces of Gavana neighborhood up to Trivale Forest where it turns into Nicolae Labis street. On the last 100 meters the street is not asphalted, but passable. Further on we reach a T-junction marked with signs.
I went left, through the woods, towards the Zoo. Following the signs, I arrived in front of the entrance to Zoo of the city of Pitesti, from what I read the most popular local objective. We covered 3 km from the start.
Pitesti Zoo is located in Trivale Forest and occupies 12 hectares. It hosts about 1900 animals. I fondly remember an earlier visit to Pitesti Zoo, which I enjoyed, even though there was much evidence that it needed a facelift. But children always know how to enjoy the presence of animals.