Galati tourist guide

Galaţi – Gateway to the Danube

About Galați

Galati is the county seat municipality of Galati county, located in the southeast of our country, about 20 km from the Galati – Giurgiulesti – Reni border crossing point between Romania – Republic of Moldova – Ukraine. The city is an important port on the Danube River and is located in close proximity to the discharge of the Siret and the Prut into the river.

Area: 246 km2. Average altitude: 55 meters above sea level. Population: about 300,000 inhabitants, including Armenians, Turks, Greeks, Jews among other ethnic groups.

Coordinates: 45°26′22″N 28°2′4″E


– 6th – 5th centuries b.C. – there was a Dacian settlement here

– V – IV centuries b.C. – there are archaeological discoveries from this period

– 3rd century – a Daco-Romanian settlement is born after the Daco-Romanian wars

– 1445 – the first documentary mention of the Galati market in a document signed by the ruler Stefan II.

– the 15th century remains the only port of Moldova on the Danube after the invasion of the Ottoman Empire in the area Pictograma Verificată de Comunitate

– 18th – 19th centuries – navigation and trade develop

– the 19th – 20th centuries – it becomes a free port and the seat of the European Commission of the Danube, the city develops, is heavily bombed in the Second World War, and then in the communist era the industry flourishes

Route Map

(click on objectives for extended version)

1. The Danube embankment

Plimbare de cunoastere incepe pe Faleza Dunarii. From Marea Unire Boulevard, which is the road artery that follows a part of the Danube, there are several stairs, rather damaged and uninviting, that go down to the park located right on the river bank, on the Danube Cliff Alley. Este locul de promenada cel mai indicat din oras. Mai multe restaurante plutitoare organizate pe vapoare ancorate la tarm ofera optiuni de a servi masa sau de a organiza de petreceri.

The Danube cliff

The Danube in Galați

towards the Danube embankment

towards the Danube embankment

towards the Danube embankment

The Danube in Galați

restaurant on the Danube

2. The Fortified Church of Saint Precista

Mergand in sensul de curgere al Dunarii ajungem in dreptul accesului principal la faleza, niste scari de data aceasta ok, late. Revenim astfel in bulevard in dreptul unei intersectii. With your back to the Danube, looking towards the city, we notice on the left the Fortified Church of St. Precista. Este o biserica ortodoxa care poarta hramul Adormirea Maicii Domnului.

The address is 1 Traian Street.

The Fortified Church of St. Precista

3. La Elice / Statue of Ion Bratianu

In front of it is the park La Elice and the homonymous monument.In the same green space there is the statue of Ion Bratianu.

The address is Port Street.

We cross the park from P-uri on Aleea Domneasca, a new pedestrian zone, at the end of which on the left is the “Girl on the Waves” Fountain.

At Elice

The statue of I. C. Brătianu

The statue of I. C. Brătianu

the park from P's

Fountain Girl on the waves

4. “Paul Păltănea” History Museum

We came out to a major artery oriented to the N, Domneasca Street, with one-way street, on which we pass the “Mihai Eminescu” Park and point a little above the existence of the “Paul Paltanea” History Museum. Prezinta exponate de arheologie preistorica, etnografie si istorie. Are si un Lapidarium.

The address is 2 Maior Iancu Fotea Street.

Paul Păltănea History Museum

5. Museum of Visual Art

Pe langa Biserica Greaca, mergem 0,5 km condusi de Google Maps pana in dreptul Muzeului de Arta Vizuala. Prezinta colectii de pictura, sculptura, grafica, arta decorativa.

The address is on Dimitrie Bolintineanu Street.

Museum of Visual Art

Museum of Visual Art

6. Rizer Park

From here we keep northwards Traian Street, leave the Central Square on the left and after about 2 km we find Rizer Park on the right. Personal consider ca se poate sari acest reper intrucat nu este deloc interesant si in plus este situat excentric.


Rizer Park

Rizer Park

7. Răsvan Angheluță Natural Science Museum Complex

We walked another 4 km through a neighborhood area to reach the closed gate of the Sensory Garden part of the Botanical Garden. It is part of the Natural Science Museum Complex “Rasvan Angheluta”. Ea ar trebui sa fie deschisa de miercuri pana duminica intre orele 10 – 18. So I had to bypass the entire complex, which also includes a Japanese Garden and an Astronomical Observatory. We arrived back in Marea Unire Boulevard with a nice view of the Danube and the barges moored or underway. Am aflat in acest fel ca exista si o a doua intrare, de fapt cea principala, in complex.

towards the Botanical Garden

towards the Botanical Garden

The Danube in Galați

The Danube in Galați

Astronomical Observatory

Map of the Museum of Natural Sciences

Map of the Museum of Natural Sciences

Museum of Natural Sciences

8. The Television Tower

De aici privirea ni se indreapta spre Turnul de Televiziune aflat in parcul cu acelasi nume. Turnul din beton armat are o inaltime de 110 metri si un lift care urca la cele 3 etaje.

The address is 1 Victor Valcovici Street.


The Television Tower

The Television Tower

The Television Tower

The Television Tower


9. Danube Beach

If we cross the park from the tower towards the Danube, we reach a staircase that descends to the Danube Beach. From the top of the stairs I took another picture of the Danube and the slides on the beach.

Danube Beach

Danube Beach

The Television Tower

10. Danube embankment

I returned partially on the same road to the museum, then I went down to the Danube bank at the crossing point with the ferry, from where the Faleza Dunarii Alley begins, closing the reconnaissance route from Galati. I photographed the Macin Mountains on the other side of the river and the Danube in the evening.


The Danube in Galați

The Danube in Galați

The Danube Embankment

The Danube in Galați

Personal conclusion

I expected more from Galati. The Danube flows beautifully (when it doesn’t flood). I liked the beach but more in greener seasons. I’m sorry I couldn’t visit the Sensory Garden. Consider a walk on the Danube embankment in Galati!

All the best!
