1. Pahomie Hermitage (850 m) – Stâna Ștevioara (1,400 m) – Ștevioara Saddle (1,790 m)
3 – 4 hours / blue point / difficult
Start from Pahomie Hermitage for our large group of 16 amateurs. A few hundred meters after the hermitage, a visible sign marks the actual entrance to the route. I appreciated that in addition to the estimated duration of 4 hours, it is mentioned that it is a difficult, steep route, prohibited in winter,
After only a few steps we come across a captured spring, Izvorul Pahomie, a reminder of water supply, especially since I didn’t see another source of water until I left the ridge, although there should be another option near Stâna Ștevioara. We were climbing quite seriously from the beginning, but in the coolness of the forest it is a pleasure. Some pick mushrooms, others medicinal plants, but they all blow harder and we take more breaks to regroup.
After 2 hours, close to elevation 1,400, we leave the forest. In the large clearing we see the construction of the former Stâna Ștevioara. From now on, the sun will smile directly at us or, to rephrase, it will hit us on the head. Hats, bandanas fulfill their role. As every time we enjoy everything that lives around us, for starters cockroaches and flowers. In the valley, you can see some cars parked in a clearing. I climbed something! To the right appears the unmistakable Ciuha Mare Peak of the Cozia Mountains, which we recognize by the antenna on the top. You can also see the peaks from the end of the Capatanii Mountains, from Olanesti. And extensive hectares of forest at the foot of the mountains up to the edge in the Subcarpathians.
The slope increases again, but the fact that we see the greatness of Vanturarița Mare Peak on the right gives us the strength to approach it even with small steps. The marking must be followed very carefully. Soon it looks as if we have reached the ridge. Partially true! In the front left, we can see the Buila Peak, the second target of the trip. We still have a little way to go between the two mentioned peaks, the flags of this massif. It really was a sustained climb of 1,000 meters difference in level, a route that many prefer to go down. It is obvious that Ștevioara Saddle must appear in front of us, which also marks the intersection with the ridge route.