1. Poiana Bradul Ciont (1.725 m) – Salvamont – Șaua Rățițiș (1.869) – Vârful și Cabana Meteo Rățițiș (2.021 m)
1.5 hours / 4 km / easy / unmarked, then red dot
We parked in Poiana Bradul Ciont, a place with a spring, suitable for camping. Here I read the explanatory panel with the map. We entered the Lake Iezer Natural Park. We look towards the peak in the foreground that we have to climb. We continue on the Trans Călimani road, on which we came. We pass by the Salvamont Refuge, which was closed. We gain altitude in wide serpentines. Marked paths branch off on both sides of the road. At some point, the red dot marking begins to accompany us. We reach the ridge, in Saua Rătițiș, from where we can see to the left the main objective of our route, Vârful Pietrosul Călimanilor but also Negoiu Românesc, Negoiu Unguresc and Vârful Rătiţiș. We leave the road on the left, to follow the marked path through the juniper, then through the alpine gap. In Vârful Rătițiş we enjoy the view once more and make a stop, talking with a meteorologist from the Meteo Hut Rătițiş, who gave us useful information.